
Executive Board

Executive Board officers are responsible for the day-to-day operations and the management of the Student Activity Fee and Student Representation Fee. These officers represent the student interests related to the student representation fee and the student activity fee, provide support and recognition for approved student organizations and clubs, and serve students by hosting activities and events that enhance student life at Lemoore College.
    • Promote student engagement outside the classroom
    • Support students clubs and organizations on campus 
    • Listen to student concerns, suggestions, and issues, then collaborates with other governing bodies on campus to implement or address the students' needs.
    • Plan and provide activities and event for students
    • Provide training and resources for students leading student groups on campus
    • Manage student activity and representation funds
    • Recruit other students to fill vacant leadership roles
    • Engagement with other students
    • Enhance/or gain leadership skills
    • Public speaking opportunities
    • Work with other student leaders to achieve a common goal
    • Opportunity to serve the community and the campus
    • Professional skill building
    • Contribute to student engagement and school spirit
    • Help Lemoore College students
    • Earn swag and other incentives reserve to student leaders
  • Fall 2024 Meeting Dates: TBD

    Time: TBD

    Lemoore College
    Meeting Location: Conference Rm. TBD
    555 College Ave.
    Lemoore, CA 93245

    Executive Board generally does not meet June, July, during school breaks, and finals week.

    Meetings follow Roberts Rules of Order

    This agenda will be made available on the District's website or for public inspection at the Student Union (Bldg. 900) located at 555 College Ave., Lemoore, CA 93245 during normal business hours.
    *Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings in person but must observe the flow of the meeting and direct any questions or comments to the ASG President during public comment. If you would like to present a concern or topic of discussion, please email your points of discussion to amberavitia@whccd.edu.

  • Position Name Questions? Please Email:
    President Theresa Steele whclasgpres@whccd.edu
    Vice President Alexis Tovar  
    Commissioner of Records    
    Commissioner of Finance    
    Commissioner of Clubs    
    Commissioner of Publicity    
    Commissioner of Outreach    
    Student Representative    
    Advisor  Amber Avitia amberavitia@whccd.edu


Current Officers

Theresa Steele
Alexis Tovar
Vice President
Commissioner of Records
Unknown Image
Commissioner of Finance
Commissioner of Clubs
Commissioner of Publicity
Commissioner of Outreach

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